Monday, August 25, 2014

Hi everpawdy....I hope y'all have been having a great summer.... it's that time of year when the kiddies go back to school.... and the mom's are left wondering what to do with their day...
well..... I have a suggestion..... grab a great book and start reading.... and if you have furkids at home, like me.... then reading to us furkids is a pawsome way to spend the day!
To get you all started.... I am having a little contest... I am giving away this Pawsome book by Catherine Mann... it's called Shelter Me.... and..... I'm adding some cool swag with it... a paws pencil... a bookmark.... and a "Love Rescued Me" bandana....and a stuffed beanie dog...
how pawsome it that??!!
This book is a wonderful story about a soldier returning from war... bringing a dog, Trooper, home to the family of his fallen Commander.... its full of lots of sub-stories that warm your heart... make you laugh... and make you cry...
The wife of the fallen commander runs an animal rescue..... see.... that's the reason I love this book... Rescues hold a very special place in mine heart...
My sisfur Lil-e is a rescue... and she is mine bestest fren.....
This book is pretty centered around this special rescue dog... Trooper...  the dog the soldier is bringing home... because his commander rescued Trooper in the war zone... and they became best buddies.... so it was only right that Trooper be brought to the states... to the commander's family.. where he belongs..... and..... believe it or not.... Trooper has a mission of his own... and he pipes in throughout the book to tell you his side of the story.... he is such a smart dog....
did I tell you that I love him.... he is my hero.... he is smart... brave.... and knows just what he needs to do to help this family... and finish his mission.
Do you all know a special rescue dog?  Have you added a shelter dog to your family? 
Ya know... that's one of the most special messages in this book.... there are hundreds of thousands of animals out there that need to be rescued....need to be saved.... need to just have a family that loves them and takes care of them....and gives them a nice safe place to live.
Shelters are over crowded with beautiful dogs like Trooper... and like the other Shelter dogs in this book... and Shelter workers work very hard every day and night to take care of them, and try to help them find just the right forever home.  And not just the shelter workers... there are Foster Families too.  Families that will take in some of these Shelter dogs, especially the ones too young to stay at the shelter.... or the ones too sick to stay at the shelter... Foster Families take these furkids into their homes and take care of them.... and do you know what they get in return??  The get unconditional love from the pet... love beyond what you can imagine.
Miss Cathy does this in her real life.... see.... she doesn't just write wonderful books... she also helps at the shelter.... and she fosters dogs all the time.... Just like Trooper, Miss Cathy is my hero too... she is super Pawsome.
So...... In celebration of Miss Cathy and all she does.....
and In celebration of the release of her new book.....
and In celebration of wonderful Shelter Dogs everywhere
Looking for a forever home.....
I am giving away an autographed copy of her book... with the swag included in the pic... you will get everything in that picture above..... except me....BOL
Just comment below...and go to my facebook page and like it too....
there will be a post about this blog, so comment on that too.... and share.... share mine page... and mine blog...
and I will randomly pick the winner from the comments below.... and if you have a rescue story to tell... please share it with us... it will not increase your chances to win... but me and the mom would love to hear your stories...
the winner will be randomly picked from the comments below.... its all done with a computer program for fairness....
good luck everpawdy.... and...
go out an adopt yourself a beautiful Rescue dog too.... you will be glad you did....
#CatherineMann  #ShelterMe
Contest will run from today until Sunday August 31, 2014
Winner will be announced on my facebook page on
Monday Sept 1, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Have you been too busy lately?

Hello everpawdy.... I don't know about you... But I have sure been way too busy lately... It's a really hard job supervising the mom and making sure she gets her chores done... But I have to do it.. Because if she doesn't get her chores done, then I can't get on the 'puter... I don't understand the fairness in that, but there is it!!   
But today.... Well.... Today she didn't get any chores done... She left... Went on a little trip to a little town on the outskirts of where we live... They were having a big adoption event at their animal's called PAWs, in Ft Walton Beach.... And they have lots of beautiful pups up for adoption... And cats...and big birds....and....and.....a snake....ewe.... Mom also went to see her fren there.... And.... I think to secretly look for another dog... Yep.... She has been saying things.....Out Loud.... About wanting a big dog... 
I have no idea where she gets these ideas.... Me and mine sisfurs are all rather small.. Why in the world would she want a big dog now too... She said German Shepherd... That's a really big dog.
Now... I must say, I've been giving this a lot of thought... If the mom gets a big dog... She wants him as a puppy... So that means... Lots of training, right??  Sooooooo.... I'm thinking......I can help her with that training... And I can train him how to go fetch.... Like.... "Go fetch me a treat". And..... "Go fetch me some water" and..... "Go fetch me my harness and leash so we can go for a walks".... 
Yep... Maybe having a big dog is not such a bad idea after all.... I wonder if I could teach him how to open the fridge... Mom always has good things in there.... Like carrots... My favorite.... Yes.... Yes.... I'm thinking having a big dog in the family is a very good idea......indeed....
So tell me..... Do any of y'all have a family of small dogs and then decided to get a big dog?  I am curious.... I'd like to know what to expect... And be prepared.... Just in case I have to protest to the mom and all...  So please leave messages... Tell us your thoughts.. And what you think about bringing a big dog puppy into a house with a Maltese...and three Shih-Tzu.... 
And..... Please sign up for email notifications... Because I may have a big surprise ahead... And you're gonna want to know about that... 
Love and huggles and nose boops to all.... Thank you for being mine fren... ~Maisie